The Art of Sustainability

Educational Events, Facilitation & Consultation in Sustainability

What is Sustainability? Course

In this informal course we will explore seven key themes of Sustainability in relation to awareness of Education for Sustainable Development & Global Citizenship (ESDGC).

No prior knowledge of this subject is necessary only an open mind and a willingness to constructively participate in discussion.

The course embeds The Wellness of Being methodology (WoB) in supporting participants engagement.

Weds –  19:00 – 20:30 UK – 10 weeks

Commencement date and price provided through our collaboration partner Bridgend College – button below,

1. Introductions, Expectations & Course Overview

2. Health & Well Being

            Understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and acknowledging that basic needs must be met universally.

3. Consumption and Waste

            Understanding that resources are finite and that this has implications for the people’s lifestyles, industry, and future generations.

4. Choices and Decision

            Understand that choices and decisions have consequences and that conflicts are a barrier to development and a risk to us all and why there is a need for their resolution and the promotion of harmony.

5. Climate Change

            Recognise the importance of taking individual responsibility and action to make the world a better place and understanding the range of alternative ways to both save and generate energy.

6. Natural Environment

            Developing respect for all living things and acknowledging the relationship between people and the environment.

 7.  Identity and Culture

            Understanding, respecting, and valuing human diversity and cultural, social, and economic and recognising the negative impact of discrimination and prejudice on individuals and groups.

8 . Wealth and Poverty

            Understanding how people, the environment and the economy are inextricably linked at all levels from local to global.

9. Plenary (Synthesis) Submit Portfolios

10. Going Forward & Farewells

Safeguarding: The contents on this course are for educational purposes in Sustainability only and not as substitute professional or otherwise healthcare advice.

Provided through our collaboration partner Bridgend College

“I would recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in sustainability, nature, the planet, humans, well-being …We can all do our little bit, and this course will certainly help you on your way. “